Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Progress Update (22-09-13)

Previously, I would stream WIP builds of Diaper Enforcers 2022 several days per week. But streaming the game so frequently made it rather difficult for me to concentrate on working on the game, despite most of the streaming activity being AFK (on the PC I use to stream the game).

So from now on, I stream the game on Thursdays so I can sort of follow my own schedule of sorts. I might also stream on Mondays (a la LordBBH) if anyone wants that.

As of this writing, I've also added records of character wins/losses, game records and various background interactions. The Story Mode scenes are still in progress, though. I am kinda trying to rush the Story Mode scenes to completion so I can get them out of the way. Perhaps I'd share a few renders. Hope these don't spoil anything that happens!



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